tis the season



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When there's leave on the trees, a lot of people decide to tie the knot.

This last weekend we shot our first wedding of the season. So fortunate to be able to work with Lang and experience the beautiful covenant of marriage so often. It is refreshing, fun and a blessing to our marriage.

Below are some shots from last season. Hopefully we'll manage to snag a couple more this season.
We're ready!

The first wedding I shot with Lang and one of my favorites.

Another special one. Usually by the end of the night, Lang and I are on the dance floor. That boy has moves. 

And of course while there are leaves on the trees, other fun things happen--like outdoor dinner parties thrown by the Original Makers Club. Thankful to be a part of this inspiring group. photo: Josh Meredith

Let's get these folks to the alter!

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