Dipped PB Pretzel Sandwiches



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This is one of my favorite times of year.

...along with the week after Halloween, Christmas, Valentines day... Ya'll know where I'm headed here?

Holiday candy clearance. It's bank. It's beautiful. My wildest Reeses dreams become reality. I love hunting down the most random, outlier Walgreens to get the best deals on the best candy. I mean, Reeses Easter eggs only come around once a year! Gotta jump on that.

But when that's not the case, you gotta make due.

Lang and I love a good peanut butter and chocolate dessert. They were made for each other. Usually we make these chocolate covered peanut butter pretzel balls, but I saw a sandwich version with Pretzel Crisps, I knew I had to merge the two. Nom nom nom.

Yum in the tum.

Dipped PB Pretzel Sandwiches

1/2 cup natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon butter, melted
2 tablespoons brown sugar
dash of salt
3 tablespoons powdered sugar

Pretzel Crisps/Pretzel Slims
3/4 - 1 cup chocolate chips (I used semi-sweet)
Sea Salt (or any other big salt)

Cream together the peanut butter, melted butter and brown sugar. Once well blended and creamy, add in the salt and powdered sugar one tablespoon at a time. The mixture should get thick and pliable.

Put tin foil or parchment paper on a baking sheet. Roll out 1 inch balls until the peanut butter mixture is gone, placing them on the baking sheet. You can make them a little bigger or smaller depending on how much you want in each of your little pretzel sandwich. I like mine full :)

This part is important. So in order to prevent your pretzels from breaking, take the little balls and flatten them a bit before putting them between two pretzels (this took a while for me to catch on). Put them between your pretzels and gently push together. Do this until you run out of pb balls or pretzels. No shame in using the broken pretzels too!

Now for the chocolate!

My wonderful friend and baker, Hannah, taught me how to make your own double boiler--which is perfect for melting chocolate. Here's the scoop- take a saucepan and fill it about halfway with water. Find a glass bowl or pyrex container that will fit in your pan.Put the chocolate in there and bring your water to a boil. Watch the bowl and stir as needed. It will perfectly melt your chocolate.

No bubblin' or burnin'!

Lastly, take your sandwiches and dip them in the melted chocolate. Lay them back on the baking sheet. When you're through dipping, take the salt and lightly salt the chocolate part of your sandwiches. Put the sheet in the freezer or fridge (15-30 minutes) for the chocolate to set before serving.

After they're set, you can store them in a tupperware in the fridge. They probably won't last long though. :)

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